Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Colon Cancer: The Intricacies of Detection and Treatment

Colon cancer, predominantly recognized as colorectal cancer, is an alarming condition affecting thousands worldwide. As we navigate through this guide, we'll unearth crucial insights, including the importance of colon cancer screening. Being informed can be a vital step toward proactive healthcare and well-being.

Do You Know about Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer is the malignancy of the colon or the rectum. It starts when polyps, benign clumps of cells, turn cancerous. Over time, these can evolve, invading the colon's wall and adjacent blood vessels, leading to the spread in the body.

Are There Any Varieties for Colon and Rectal Cancer?

Yes, there are. The most prevalent type is adenocarcinomas, which constitute 96% of all colorectal cancers. Other less common types include carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, lymphomas and sarcomas, each originating from different types of cells within the colon or rectum.

What Symptoms You May Notice If You Have Colorectal Cancer?

Symptoms are subtle initially. They encompass changes in bowel habits, blood in or on the stool, consistent stomach pains, aches or cramps that don't dissipate, unexplained weight loss, fatigue or lethargy. Regular screenings and medical check-ups can aid in catching these symptoms early.

What Tests You May Need to Detect Cancer?

  • CT Scan or CAT Scan: Uses a combination of X-rays to produce detailed images of the body, including the colon.

  • Ultrasound: Uses sound waves to generate images, useful in examining organs like the liver for metastases.

  • MRI Scan: A detailed imaging technique, especially beneficial for spotting brain or spinal cord anomalies.

  • Chest X-Rays: Primarily used to check if cancer has metastasized to the lungs.

  • Blood Tests: They can reveal if certain substances, called tumor markers, are elevated.

  • PET Scan: Useful in determining if the cancer has traveled to lymph nodes or other organs.

  • Biopsy: Direct examination of tissue to determine if it's cancerous.

  • Gene & Protein Test: Helps predict the cancer's growth or response to treatment.

Is Colon Cancer Screening Necessary?

It is definitely necessary. With colon cancer screening, one can detect and remove polyps before they become malignant. Colonoscopy provides a detailed view of the colon, making locating and addressing potential issues easier.

What Questions Will You Ask Your Physician?

  • Are you aware of the cancer's progression level?

  • When and how will we determine cancer's progression?

  • Could you clarify the significance of this level in my situation?

  • What's the expected prognosis in terms of lifespan?

  • What are the subsequent steps?

Can Tests Identify the Stage of Your Cancer?

Tests play a pivotal role in cancer staging. Staging provides a detailed picture of how far the cancer has spread and its aggressiveness. That helps doctors devise the most effective treatment strategy.

Are There Any Ways to Treat Colon Cancer?

Yes, there are diverse approaches. Surgery remains pivotal in removing tumors. Radiation therapy uses high-energy sources to destroy cancerous cells. Chemotherapy, on the other hand, employs drugs, either orally or intravenously, to kill these cells or halt their growth. First, you take the colonoscopy screening test, then proceed with the treatment further.

In Which Factors the Treatment Depends?

Treatment is tailored based on the cancer's stage, its location within the colon, the patient's overall health, age and personal treatment preferences.

How Is Colon Cancer Treatable with Surgery?

Surgery is the primary remedy for colon cancer, especially in its early stages. Surgeons remove the tumor along with portions of the surrounding healthy colon to ensure complete removal. Depending on the cancer's extent, they might employ minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures or more extensive surgeries. Regular follow-ups post-surgery ensure no cancer resurgence.

Can Surgery Cure Rectal Cancer?

Surgery holds promise in curing many rectal cancer cases. Early detection enhances the success rate, but the tumor's size and position can influence surgical approaches.

How Radiation Treatment Is Used Post-Surgery?

Radiation therapy, post-surgery, acts as a secondary defense, targeting and annihilating any lingering cancer cells. Administered externally, it focuses high-energy rays directly at cancer sites, ensuring minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissues and reducing the chances of recurrence.

How Does Chemo Help Cancer Patients?

Chemotherapy uses potent drugs to target cancer cells, arresting their growth or killing them outright. Administered orally or intravenously, it circulates throughout the body, making it effective against metastasizing or spreading cancers.

Can Targeted Therapy Cure Colon Or Rectal Cancer?

Targeted therapy zeroes in on specific molecular changes in cancer cells. While it might not be a definitive cure, it offers a more precise way of combating cancer.

How Immunotherapy Improves the Body's Immune Response?

Immunotherapy bolsters the body's defenses, enabling it to recognize and combat cancer cells more effectively. It can be pivotal for cancers resistant to chemotherapy.

When Do You Need Colostomy or Ileostomy?

In cases where significant parts of the colon or rectum are removed, a colostomy or ileostomy might be necessary. That reroutes the bowel to an opening in the abdomen, allowing waste to exit the body.

Are Clinical Trials the Best Option to Treat Cancer?

Clinical trials provide a gateway to the newest treatments. Participating can give access to cutting-edge treatments not yet widely available.

Would You Like to Explore Other Treatment Plans?

Exploring non-clinically tested treatments demands caution and an in-depth conversation with oncologists to weigh the risks and benefits.

What Happens When the Treatment Is Over?

Post-treatment life involves consistent monitoring through check-ups and tests. Lifestyle changes, both dietary and physical, alongside emotional and psychological support, can aid recovery.

Schedule Your Screening Today

Don't hesitate to reach out for the most comprehensive care and expert consultation on colon cancer. If you're in Oklahoma City, Digestive Disease Specialists, INC is your premier destination for colon cancer screening in OKC. Prioritize your health and get screened with the best in the field.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.