Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Is Colonoscopy More Complicated For Women?

Colonoscopy is a process through which your doctor will check whether you have any abnormalities in your colon. A gastroenterologist performs colonoscopy by inserting the colonoscope through your rectum. Colonoscope is a tube that has a camera attached to its end and it is inserted to see what abnormalities you may have. Colonoscopy screening is prescribed by your gastroenterologist if they want to detect whether you have any tumour in your colon. It is said that colonoscopy is more complicated for women. Is it really? Let’s find out.

What Should You Ask Your Doctor Before The Procedure?

If you are a woman or you are family of a female patient, you better ask your doctor some questions. Sometimes your gastroenterologist will discuss this with you before getting into the colonoscopy screening.

  • Ask about sedation: Colonoscopy can be uncomfortable but not painful. However, you may still prefer a sedation. If you have had undergone a surgery before, let your doctor know. Also, it is seen that sedation wears off much quicker in females than in males. So, if you are planning to get sedated for colonoscopy, talk to your doctor about its dosage.

  • Ask about the safety during pregnancy: Even though colonoscopy screening is a safe process, many doctors will recommend not to get the procedure done if you are pregnant. Even if you are trying to get pregnant and you are supposed to get the screening done, it is best to let your doctor know about your plan.

  • Ask about the type of colonoscope: Colonoscopy varies from person to person. But if you are a female, it may vary a little more. Females have more angular and longer colon that might be difficult to manoeuvre. So, you need to ask whether the doctor will use a more flexible scope that they can move easily.

Is It Really Complicated?

Your female body is shaped in such a way that the colon dips into the pelvic area. While moving through your colon, the dip may cause loops. Loops stretch the inside, which makes it difficult to move the colonoscope through your colon. Your doctor will have to remove the scope and reinsert it if such loops happen. If the procedure is not done correctly, it may cause pain and also, the gastroenterologist may not get adequate reading.

The question is how do doctors successfully complete the procedure in women? Well, you have to be in touch with an experienced gastroenterologist who has performed colonoscopy screening on female patients. Digestive Disease Specialist is based out of OKC and is known to provide relief to anything related to colon. So, get in touch with us if you need to have a colonoscopy.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.