Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Types of Hemorrhoids and How to Treat Them

You may not like to talk about them, but they're hard to ignore if you suffer from hemorrhoids.  The situation can be inconvenient, embarrassing, and sometimes painful. You're not alone is the significant thing to keep in mind. 1 in every 20 Americans are dealing with hemorrhoids, which reaches up to 50% over the age of 50. Patients should also bear in mind that not all hemorrhoids are identical and that the same symptoms won't always be present. There are actually four different kinds of hemorrhoids that are treated by any gastroenterologist in OKC.

Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids take place inside the rectum. In general, these kinds of hemorrhoids are asymptomatic themselves because of their place. In cases where inner hemorrhoids cause patients’ discomfort, they frequently have a large size. Larger inner hemorrhoids can trigger pain, itching or burning symptoms.


When inner hemorrhoids swell and protrude, a prolapsed hemorrhoid happens. A physician can assign a degree to a hemorrhoid on the basis of how far it reaches:

Grade one: It is not at all prolapsed.

Grade two: Protruding but retracts by itself. This is only likely to happen when you put pressure on your rectal or anal area, for example, when you strain and relax so they return to their ordinary place afterwards.

Grade three: You cannot push it without lot of pain. These may need treatment to prevent them from becoming too painful or infected.

Grade four: Protruding, and without much pain, you can't push it in. These are often handled to avoid pain, discomfort or additional complications.

Hemorrhoids prolapsed look like swollen red bumps outside your anus. If you use a mirror to look at this region, you could see it. Prolapsed hemorrhoids may not have any symptoms other than protrusion or cause pain or discomfort, itching or burning.

In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove or correct a hemorrhoid prolapse so that you don't have pain or complications, but must be treated under the expert care of a gastroenterologist in OKC.

External Hemorrhoids

Most patients think about external hemorrhoids when it comes to hemorrhoids. These are noticeable or palpable lumps in the anus.  The location is the only factor which can distinguish between inner and external hemorrhoids. Whilst inner hemorrhoids can be totally unnoticed, external hemorrhoids often bring symptoms of discomfort until resolved. Most often, during activities, during sitting or bowel movements, patients report itching, burning and pain.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids

Thrombosis is inner or external hemorrhoids that have formed a blood clot (thrombosis). Intense itchiness, burning, pain, redness and swelling may accompany thrombosis symptoms that tend to be worse than ordinary.There may also be a bluish surface around the hemorrhoid.A quick treatment is necessary to prevent blood loss and surrounding tissue damage.Connect with Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc. to speak with a gastroenterologist in OKC.

** Disclaimer: The article above implies no medical advice; it constitutes no terms between patient and doctor.