Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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What Expectations Can One Have from Colon Cancer Screening?

Most people in OKC feel worried about their overall health. And hence they focus on the best treatment plans. But there is something that demands their attention: colon cancer screening. Unfortunately, most Americans ignore this vital step and face the consequences later. But the wise ones like you (who chose to obtain this helpful information) deserve a positive health appreciation!

The board-certified gastroenterologists of Digestive Disease Specialists, INC. help address the cancer complexities. The treatment possibilities exist with an early indication. Hence, our screening methods help people return to their best selves in no time. And that’s not the end of what we do. You can expect quality gastrointestinal care from our expert physicians.

Delving Deep into the Process

In OKC, people show interest in gravitating toward the best screening process. But what decides the operation of this diagnosis? It’s the screening method type that determines this step. The doctors will select an ideal option for you depending on family and medical history, lifestyle factors, and current symptoms. Let’s take a look at the most common types:

Stool DNA Screening: This test intends to seek evidence of abnormal blood and DNA in your stool.

FOBT Examination: Stool blood detection occurs in this non-invasive colon cancer screening type.

Colonoscopy: It is a minimally-invasive screening process that uses a camera-attached thin tube to detect tumors or polyps.

Double-Contrast Barium Enema: This test comprises an advanced X-ray technology to sense the presence of polyps.

Can You Expect the Expectations to Deliver Satisfaction?

There is a reason why people prefer colonoscopy over other colon cancer screening methods. And that is precise detection and safety. During this procedure, the reliable physicians of Digestive Disease Specialists, INC, minimize the danger. Their primary duty is to identify and eliminate polyps, preventing further growth.

Of course, dietary restrictions will be a day before the screening process. On top of that, a colon cleansing step is essential during and before the procedure. Your gastroenterologist will share all the details that you need to follow. After the completion of colonoscopy, the recovery period begins. In this phase, rest becomes a mandatory consideration.

Your Life Deserves a Healthy Unfolding

Now that you know the essential procedure, the decision-making begins. It’s time to stop living in ignorance and start taking life seriously. Knock-Knock! It’s not a multi-lifeline game that grants you carelessness. One life to live; why not live it king-size? Let our colon cancer screening safeguard your precious life against health hazards!

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.