Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Colonoscopy Procedure

Colonoscopy screening has been an essential procedure, especially to those patients who are at high risk for colon cancer. It’s nothing but an evaluation of the lining of your rectum to identify certain complications. Before it starts, medications will be given into the vein to make you feel comfortable. The doctor will use a colonoscope-a small and flexible tubular instrument. This will transmit the image of your colon to your doctor for the detection of abnormalities. The procedure will take 30 to 60 minutes.

You Should Understand the Scope of Things

Many people think Colonoscopy screening is a hard thing to get away with. But actually, it’s not. When you’re going for the first time, the thought may make you feel unsettled at a time. Since colorectal cancer is the second cause of cancer related death in the United States, it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re safe. It’s essential for both men and women to understand the importance of screening.

How to Prepare for the Screening?

  • It’s not recommended to eat any food or drink three days prior to your evaluation.

  • Wear comfortable clothes during the procedure.

  • Be sure to have an adult along with you who will take the responsibility of taking you home after the screening test is over.

  • Driving a car is not recommended as soon as the sedation ends.

  • Stop diet supplement 2 days prior to the procedure.

  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications five days prior to the evaluation.

What to Expect During the Preparation?

When you’re opting for a colonoscopy, make sure your colon is clear. The key is to follow a clear liquid diet at least for two days prior to the exam.

Once you get inside the clinic for the colonoscopy, the nurse will ask you to replace your clothes with a hospital gown. Later the doctor will meet, ask you a few questions. Soon after the anesthesiologist will come to provide you necessary sedation. As soon as you are ready, the nurse will take you to a private room to start the procedure.

What Happens After the Procedure Ends?

After the evaluation ends, you will be taken to a separate room for the recovery. The doctor will later come and provide you with a colon report and the discharge instructions at the same time.

Visit a Gastroenterologist

When it comes to colonoscopy screening, you should visit Digestive Diseases Specialists, INC. We specialize in the treatments of digestive systems. Our board-certified physicians and gastroenterologists use the latest diagnostic testing and technique to provide our patients the highest level of care. Schedule an appointment and get yourself screened.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.