Acid Reflux – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Acid Reflux

One of the most prevalent causes of gastric pain is gastroesophageal reflux disorder or GERD. GERD happens when acid flows from the intestine to the back of the esophagus and is also frequently referred to as acid reflux. The acid in your belly may be burning in your throat or chest when it touches your esophagus. This is the well-known heartburn phenomenon which needs the attention of gastroenterologist in Edmond, OK, if frequent.

If you experience it so often, acid reflux is not a significant health problem. But you may have GERD if you frequently experience strong acid reflux symptoms. Although GERD does not threaten your life, it can have a serious effect on your everyday work and decrease your quality of life.

Heartburn is one of the prevalent symptoms of acid reflux, other commonly found symptoms are chest pain, coughing and sore throat, hoarseness, burping, pain to swallow food, nausea, vomiting, asthma, food tasting bitter, sensation like food sticking on the throat, bad breath, dental problems like erosion etc.

The Causes Are Here

Weakness in Muscles

Acid reflux may be caused by a failure of the reduced esophagus sphincter between your abdomen and the esophagus. It should close entirely when food comes into your stomach and remain secure when food is not consumed. If your muscle does not work as designed, the contents of your abdomen can return to your esophagus, leading to reflux.

Certain Foods

There are certain foods that may elevate acid reflux. Citrus fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, spicy foods, high-fat content, alcohol, caffeine products, chocolate etc. lead GERD.


An abnormal belly called hiatal hernia is a common cause of acid reflux illness. This happens when the top portion of the stomach and LES migrate over the diaphragm, a muscle that divides the tube from the chest. The diaphragm usually helps to maintain acid in our belly. But acid may migrate up into your skin and trigger symptoms of acid reflux illness if you have a hiatal hernia.

Other risk factors of acid reflux are –

  • Having large meals and lying immediately after eating

  • Obesity

  • Snacking before bedtime

  • Smoking

  • Pregnancy

  • Certain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, muscle relaxer etc.

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Eat Slowly

There can be more reflux into the esophagus if the stomach is very full. You can eat tiny meals rather than three great foods daily instead of.

Avoid Certain Foods

Some foods, including mint, fatty products, spicy products, tomatoes, onions, garlic, tea, chocolate and alcoholic drinks are more probable than others to cause reflux. If you consume these foods regularly, you could attempt to remove them to see if it checks your reflux and then attempt to add them one at a time.

Avoid Caffeine and Carbonated Drinks

You are made to burp that transfers acid to the esophagus. Instead of sparkling water, drink plain water.

Do Not Lie Immediate after Eating

Gravity alone enables to keep the acid in the abdomen where it belongs when you are standing or even sitting. Terminate to eat three hours before going to bed. No cups, no late suppers or midnight snacks after dinner.

Don’t Exercise after Eating

Avoid vigorous exercise for a few hours after eating. An after-dinner walk is all right, but it can transmit acid into your esophagus, particularly when it includes bending.

Lose Weight and Quit Smoking

The muscle structure supporting the reduced esophagus sphincter is expanded by increased weight and the pressure which holds the sphincter closed decreases. This results in reflux and cardiovascular fuel. Quit smoking, nicotine relaxes your lower esophageal sphincter, it is advisable to quit smoking, therefore.  

Visit Digestive Disease Specialists Ins. For gastroenterologist In Edmond, OK. Let us check your condition and treat you.

** Disclaimer: The article above implies no medical advice; it constitutes no terms between patient and doctor.


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