Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Acid Reflux Details You Should Be Aware of

Acid reflux is a general condition with no age, sex or other demographic boundaries. Acid reflux symptoms, as opposed to general heartburn, are not caused by anything you eat.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Observe the following symptoms if you wish to go for a test for acid reflux:

  • Heartburn in the chest, abdomen, or throat is frequent

  • Sour or bitter taste, particularly after eating, back into your mouth

  • Hiccups lasting for a few minutes, often happening

  • Lightening your esophagus like food that get stuck in throat

  • Dry and sore throat

If you get any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you need to consult a gastroenterologist without delay.

Process to Diagnose Acid Reflux

Doctors may use various tests to determine whether you are genuinely suffering from acid reflux. In many cases, your doctor may only be told if your symptoms indicate it is a case of acid reflux by monitoring pH levels in your esophageus. An esophagram (with barium in contrast for x-ray purposes) can also be requested, or an endoscopy can be performed in some severe cases with a camera inserted in your upsided digestive system for a problem. The medical practitioner may also opt to take a tissue biopsy during this process.

What Causes Symptoms of Acid Reflux?

The medical term 'hiatal hernia' is the most common source. A muscle ring (or valve) called lower esophagus (LES) resides within your esophagus. Usually, once food goes beyond this, acid can't move up into your esophagus from your stomach. But you get 'heartburn' if this doesn't. Hiatal hernia is a result of a frequency cardioburn that is then considered as acid reflux when both LES and the top portion of your stomach shift from your diaphragm.

Attempting to Avoid & Going to Treat Acid Reflux Symptoms

To prevent and reduce the incidence of reflux of acids which can cause long-term complications such as esophageal cancer or ulcer, you need to change the way of leading your life. Some ways to distribute the options include:

  • Quitting smoking

  • Allow 2-3 hours before going to bed at least after eating

  • Restricting junk and other spicy food

  • Go for weight loss

If you want to get the best gastroenterologist in OKC, visit Digestive Disease Specialists without any second thought. We can help you get the right treatment that you need.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.