A Colonoscopy Is Tough – Myths Busted

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Do you start shivering when you hear the name colonoscopy? This is probably because of the misconceptions and myths surrounding the procedure, they make you think the worst. We all know how important this screening is for a healthy life, it is utter foolishness to give it a miss because of things you heard. Before you delay this screening any further, let us bust the top four misconceptions associated with a colonoscopy. Why are we so determined to bust these myths? Because these myths are why the majority of Americans step back from seeing a doctor.

Allow us to share the truth.

Myth 1

Doctors recommend getting a colonoscopy done at the age of 50, for some, it is 45. Many people think that they can let the process linger for a few more years. However, this number does not mean you should not get a colonoscopy before 50 at any cost. If you have a family history or your body starts showing symptoms, you must do it without caring about your age. Abdominal pains, bloody stool, changes in bowel movements, are the signs that you should immediately visit a doctor and as per suggestion fix a colonoscopy appointment in OKC. Recently, seeing the risks of colorectal cancer symptoms, doctors now advise people irrespective of their gender, to do a screening in their 40s.

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Myth 2

We do not say that this will be the funniest event on your calendar, it is not painful though. As this is such an important screening, you need to be a little pain tolerant. Keep in mind, that doctors will give you a mild sedative or local anesthesia that will make you fall asleep. For post-screening mild pain, you can take medicines. This process is a fairly quick one and takes 20 to 45 minutes max. After that, you can go home like normal. During the process, the gastroenterologist will enter through your mouth with a flexible tube that has a camera on the end and they will remove polyps if there are any. Once it is done, you may feel some bloating and temporary gas in your stomach.

Myth 3

Another misconception that is associated with it is the preparation that is needed. This is not as bad as you may think. The doctor will give you a list of foods and drinks that you can and cannot have. Close to the screening day, you have to change to a clear liquid diet, which is where you can have clear soup, beef broth, light juice or tea, coconut water. The day before screening or two days before screening, the doctor will ask you to have a laxative to empty the colon and stomach completely.


Myth 4

The biggest misconception people have is – they do not need a screening until they start experiencing symptoms. You should not wait for the disease to harm your body when colorectal cancer is completely preventable with this test. During the test, the doctor will check the polyps that line the colon. Those might not be cancerous, but with time when they are unattended they can turn malignant. An on-time screening can prevent all of this.

Do not be afraid of a colposcopy. It is important, trust us you will be fine after the initial discomfort. Book your slot for a colonoscopy in OKC today.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.


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