Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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How Colorful Food & Vegetables Ensure Your Good Health?

Adding color to your food plate can help you keep your digestive system healthy. The colors that you add to your diet play a significant role in enhancing your digestive health. Colorful foods, like fruits and vegetables consist of vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for your health. Along with providing proper nutrients, these diets also help you to resist cancer, heart related disease, loss of vision, hypertension and more.

Adding color to your diet can help you to combat colon cancer. This is one of the potential risks that Americans face. Most of them often look for good gastroenterologist to deal with the digestive issues that can lead to colon cancer. However, when proper fruits and vegetables are added to the diet, it can also lower the risk of colon cancer by 22% and you need not go for a colonoscopy. Read on to learn the benefits that you can get from these fruits and vegetables.

Orange and Yellow Fruits & Vegetables for Improving Digestive Health

Fruits and vegetables like carrots, cantaloupe, spaghetti and squash are rich in antioxidant alpha-carotene. These elements are best for digestive health and also make your immunity system strong. Besides, you can also have a glowing skin when you add these to your regular diet. Some of the studies also showed that alpha-carotene lowers the risk of developing colorectal, pancreatic and stomach cancer as well.

Red Fruits & Vegetables for Keeping Your Colon Healthy

Cranberries, tomatoes, beets are the best sources for vitamin C and vitamin B9. These food items also contain flavonoids and lycopene. These are helpful for improving memory, heart health, and also reduces inflammation. It also reduces the risk of lung, breast, prostate cancer.

Blue and Purple Fruits & Vegetables for Gastroenterology

You should indulge in eating foods like eggplant, blueberries and grapes. It contains antioxidant called anthocyanins. This is helpful for reducing the risk of colorectal as well as esophageal cancer.

Green Vegetables & Fruits

A diet filled with green vegetables and fruits can be very beneficial for your overall health. They are rich in minerals and vitamin A and K, and also provide calcium. Do not forget to add broccoli, spinach to reduce blood clotting and improve bone health.

Add these fruits and vegetables to your diet. If you face any digestive issues even after adding these foods to your diet, visit Digestive Disease Specialist for gastroenterologist in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.