Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Observing the Life-Saving Features of Colonoscopy Screening

People follow several things every day to preserve their health. For example, they ate more fruits and veggies, cleaned their teeth, and exercised. However, the life-saving colonoscopy screening remains hidden from our attention. This vital procedure can be the best way to prevent cancer chances, inflammatory gut problems, and other disorders.

Around 4 to 6 percent of people experience the possibility of colon cancer. Moreover, this ailment is the second highest reason behind cancer death in the US. Both females and males are prone to this disorder. Fortunately, the presence of colonoscopy revives a ray of recovery hope among individuals. However, it is crucial to opt for early detection.

Why is Colonoscopy Screening So Necessary?

This diagnosis method denotes a thorough examination of the rectum and the colon. It helps detect irregularities or tissue abnormalities that can turn cancerous. This test requires a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes. The gastrointestinal specialists put a scope inside the colon to look for cancer indications. Here are three primary reasons behind its recommendation:

  • It helps to detect the probability of rectal or colon cancer.

  • Colonoscopy contemplates the underlying cause of rectal bleeding, GI distress, diarrhea, or other medical conditions.

  • It is crucial to identify the growth of polyps.

Discerning the At-Home Screening Chance

Various men and women wonder about the at-home colonoscopy screening possibility. Let us put an end to your confusion. Most GI specialists are capable of performing a comprehensive test for precancerous issues. You cannot obtain this level of precision with stool sample kits.

Although some people opt for the at-home path, it can never be a replacement for colonoscopy. For example- the at-home kits cannot identify the development of polyps in the colon. They can only indicate a few cancer markers. On the contrary, colonoscopy screening gives faster and more precise results. In addition, home tests fail to identify inflammatory gut disorders.

Eyeing on the Significance

A colonoscopy screening might seem invasive. However, its life-saving impacts can overpower a short span of awkwardness. Some of the crucial reasons for this screening include:

  • These tests are virtually painless and fast.

  • Its advanced prep is not as bad as people think.

  • This screening option seems to be the most reliable among all.

Break the Shackles of Cancer

Digestive Disease Specialists, INC. takes care of your timely cancer detection needs. We work our level best to ensure the best level of gastrointestinal care. Our board-certified doctors intend to provide patients with better care, information, and advice. Allow us to put your life on the safe track!

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.