Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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The Myths and the Truth of Screening - Which One Should You Choose?

According to the research, colon cancer is the second most common cancer among the citizens of the United States. But the good news is that you can diagnose this type of cancer at an early stage. As reported, if everyone can diagnose their body at the right time, more than 60% of people can easily cure the problem.

Many people are aware of the fact that colon cancer screening can save the lives of people but they do not want to do it. They are simply scared of the procedure without any logic. In addition, they also believe a few bogus myths about the screening without verifying these. Here, we have debunked the myths about the screening.

Myth No.1 - the Only Screening Method Is Colonoscopy

It is completely wrong information. There are various types of screening available and colonoscopy is one of them. But it is the only test where the expert can remove the polyp and prevent cancer. Colonoscopy screening is the gold standard among the tests. The other screening tests are:

  • Double-contrast barium enema

  • Computed tomography (CT) colonography

  • Stool DNA testing

  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy

Myth No.2 - May Experience Pain During the Screening

People are scared by thinking that the expert inserts a scope into the rectum. As you may have to take a sedative before entering the scope, therefore, you cannot feel any pain. Even you may not remember what happened during the screening. But you may notice blood in the stool and that is very normal.

Myth No.3 - You Should Do Screening After 50

It is another popular bogus myth that everyone wants to believe. The average patient may start colon cancer screening at age 50. But if you have a family history of colon cancer, then you should do the screening as early as possible.

Myth No.4 - Only Men Suffer From Colon Cancer

Colon cancer does not affect men more than women. The myth is completely wrong. Here, gender is not the risk factor, age is. No matter what gender you are, you should consult with the doctor and do the colon cancer screening if you see any symptoms. Only the screening can save your life.

Schedule an Appointment

If you want to enjoy your life fully and do not suffer from colon cancer in the future, then do not believe these myths. You should contact Digestive Disease Specialists, INC. They also provide the highest level of gastrointestinal care to patients in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.