Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc.

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Why Should You Take a Colonoscopy Screening Test?

As the proverb says, "health is wealth." Maintaining a healthy body is pivotal to success in every aspect of life. We must pay more attention to this thought and remember our priorities.

It is ideal for taking preventive health exams to help detect problems earlier. Colonoscopy is a screening test; it is a crucial step to maintaining your overall well-being. The test will detect the possible causes of rectal bleeding, abdominal pain and other intestinal problems. If you're feeling unwell or notice gastrointestinal complications, colon cancer screening in OKC can be your GI doctor’s recommendation.

Top Five Reasons You Need a Colon Cancer Screening

Early detection helps lower the chances of death. Here are the reasons why you should get it done—

Polyp and Colon Cancer Detection

Prevention is always better than a cure. If you have crossed 45 years of age or have a family history of colon cancer, it is crucial to book your screening test. Studies suggest that. Colorectal cancer is mostly prevalent between 65 and 74-year-old individuals in the United States. So early detection can prevent the death rate.

If you're suffering from an irritable bowel movement, rectal bleeding, or severe abdominal pain, you should ask the doctor to prescribe a colonoscopy.

Family History of Colon Cancer

Do you have blood relatives who have experienced premature or early death? If so, you should never neglect the test at a younger age. There is an increased risk of colon cancer. Hence, preventive action at an early age helps you keep the disease at bay.

Feeling Unwell Due to Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) typically causes sores and inflammation in your colon and rectum. It has the potential to cause colon cancer. Scheduling your colon screening test will help you stay vigilant. You can control the disease earlier by remaining under strict medical supervision.

Frequent Rectal Bleeding

Hemorrhoids cause rectal bleeding. But bloody stool or rectal bleeding is a possible cause of colon cancer. If the symptoms persist for longer, you should see a doctor before it worsens. The doctor will determine whether you need colon cancer screening or a colonoscopy.

Significant Changes in Bowel Habit

A visible change in bowel habits can show signs of colon cancer. The symptoms include—

  • Extreme constipation or diarrhea.

  • Frequent need to pass the bowel.

  • Feeling uncomfortable even after frequent bowel movements.

Occasional bowel changes are normal due to bacterial infection or dietary changes. However, if you notice no signs of receding symptoms for several days, schedule your booking for a colonoscopy.

How Frequently Should You Take the Test?

If you have a family history or are suffering from hemorrhoids or rectal bleeding issues, you should take the colon cancer screening test once every ten years. It takes 15-60 minutes on average. It will help safeguard your health.

Get Ready to Book an Appointment with Us

Digestive Disease Specialists. Inc has advanced technology colonoscopes and add-on equipment to perform screening tests. To learn more about colon health, schedule an appointment for a colonoscopy. Remember that early detection will play a significant role in your overall well-being. You can consult our expert team of doctors for further advice if you have any concerns.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not offer a doctor's advice and creates no relationship between any patient and care provider.